Another Review

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Count Zero
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Another Review

Post by Count Zero »

Like Chris, I am picky as hell. After the game Sunday, I wanted to mention something.

While I love the detail the Ptolus book provides, it really does break the game for me when you look up information in the book. As an example, when I asked what kind of armor those guys were wearing. Even if the book doesn't say they are wearing armor, I am fine with them doing so. Make it up for me. If it is a glaring error then yeah, correct it, but otherwise just roll with it. Please use the book for inspiration, but try not to rely on it so much in game. The page flipping really drops me out of the game.

Also, I would really like to focus on our back stories more. I am really interested the subplot of Chris's character. Also, my character's goal is to turn the watch from a peacekeeping force to a police force. Money is not a real motivation for my character. Effectively he is an activist, having 400 gp thown in his face is nice, but I really don't see how my character would really be interested in doing odd jobs on his time off. It isn't that those adventures aren't interesting, but it really isn't within the realm of interest of my character.
Whenever I get confused about D&D alignment morality, I just imagine Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Ghandi arm wrestling shirtless on the back of a killer whale.

In other words, I remember that it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and deal with it best I can.
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