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COH - Fighting Five

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:53 am
by Gotetsu
Ok, some of you know about my “Fighting Five” idea on the Victory server. Basically a band of Allied supers from WWII, who are making a reappearance in Paragon City. The idea is to have five international supers who fight alongside Major Flagg sometimes. So far I have:

Lt. Pendragon, England (Broadsword Scrapper)
Captain Psiberia, USSR (Psionic Controller)

I need the following:

Australia (Blaster)
France (Defender)
USA (MA Scrapper, basically a “Bucky”-type)

The uniform is fatigue pants (cammo pattern is optional, but should match your country of origin during WWII), shirt with the colors/design of your home country flag and a mask of some kind. Hats/Helmets are optional.

These are very secondary alts, and don’t see a lot of play time. But I would like to get at least one full team screenie at some point.

Any takers?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:58 am
by BlanchPrez
Reporting for duty!

